Dear Friend,
As I write this newsletter, the Coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives, jobs, stock markets, and economies of not only the USA, but the entire world! Life as we have known it has changed as we stay-at-home and only leave our homes for necessities.
For over a decade ago, I have been a proponent of preparing for disasters that can cause food shortages, financial hardship, and economic difficulties. I have been recommending storing food, water, medicine, necessities etc. in my Strategies to Prepare available under the Resources page on my website
Further, I have been suggesting you protect our families economically by having cash (including small bills like $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00) in your physical possession in the event of bank closure. In October 2019, I had the same dream twice that there was a line of cars going around the block trying to get into the bank! I do think there will be bank failures coming as businesses and individuals who are unable to perform on their business, personal, mortgage, and car loans default!
In my opinion, the stock market Dow Jones Index (DJI) which hit a high on February 12, 2020 at 29,551.42 will likely go below 14,000 and possibly to the 11,000 to 12,000 range.
Another important way to prepare for economic uncertainty is to own physical gold and silver to keep in your physical possession. My research and sources say that we are going to a gold standard. If this occurs our fiat currency will once again be “gold backed”. This would cause a huge surge in the prices of precious metals! Further as economic disasters occur, people will flock to “real money” which is gold and silver coins and bullion.
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Click the Link below to read this essential, informative article.
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Kindest Regards,
Jill Taylor Gordon, CEO
Eagle European Capital LLC
Office: 817.749.0080 ~ Fax: 940.455.7246 ~ Cell: 817.825.2036
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8204 Tyler Drive ~ Lantana, Texas 76226
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